At the heart of Fluxtion lies the Fluxtion generator. An executable jar version of the generator is located in the dist directory of the generator project, that clients can download and use in their own projects
Executing Fluxtion event stream compiler
The steps a user should follow to execute the fluxtion event stream compiler are:
Write application classes representing nodes and events to fulfill event processing requirement.
Invoke the fluxtion.jar on the command line with a set of parameters
Constructing parameters for the first time can be complicated. The Fluxtion maven plugin will print to console the equivalent command line to invoke Fluxtion generator directly.
Whichever construction strategy is used for compilation Fluxtion must have access to the classpath that includes user classes and Fluxtion libraries. The compiler loads all classes for analysis and instantiates nodes for adding to the graph.
Some of the classes that Fluxtion libraries provide are only required at compile time as they are used to construct the graph for analysis, but once the SEP is generated these classes are not required. A set of the Fluxtion classes are required at both generation time and application runtime. Fluxtion splits its classes into libraries with the following naming convention:
library name
build time
provides runtime classes such as events, or lifecycle interfaces
classes used by client code in graph construction such as SEPConfig
A user may choose to remove the builder classes from the deployment of an application and there should be no effect on the generated SEP.
Executing the help command with Fluxtion will print to console the usage reference:
Problem parsing command line, Unrecognized option: --help
usage: fluxtion-generate [-bc <arg>] [-bd <directory>] [-cc <class name>]
-cp <classpath> [-d] [-df <arg>] [-dt <velocity file>] [-fc <class
name>] [-fs <arg>] [-gb <arg>] [-gd <arg>] [-nc <class name>] -oc
<class name> [-od <directory>] -op <package name> [-or <directory>]
[-pa <arg>] [-rf <class name>] [-st <velocity file>] [-yc <yml
-bc,--buildClasses <arg> Compile classes from generated
-bd,--buildDirectory <directory> The directory where the SEP will
-cc,--configClass <class name> The SEPConfig class fluxtion
will use to construct the SEP.
-cp,--classPath <classpath> Classpath fluxtion uses to find
application classes referenced
in the SEPBuilder class.
Separator char ';'.
-d,--debug debug log output
-df,--supportDirtyFiltering <arg> If set at least one parent must
return true from an event
handling method for an event to
propogate to dependent nodes.
-dt,--sepDebugTemplate <velocity file> Override the debug template file
fluxtion will use to generate
the debug SEP.
-fc,--filterNamingClass <class name> Override default naming strategy
for native filters names in
generated SEP.
-fs,--formatSource <arg> Format generated source.
-gb,--generateDebugPrep <arg> Generate a debug version oi the
SEP for using with fluxtion
debug tool.
-gd,--generateDescription <arg> Generate a meta-data description
of SEP.
-nc,--nodeNamingClass <class name> Override default naming strategy
for variable names in generated
-oc,--outClass <class name> Simple class name for the
generated SEP. This class is the
entry point for event
-od,--outDirectory <directory> The directory where the SEP will
generate source artifacts.
-op,--outPackage <package name> Package name for the generated
-or,--outResDirectory <directory> The directory where the SEP will
generate non runtime artifacts,
such as debug information.
-pa,--assignPrivate <arg> If set generated SEP will
attempt to use reflection style
assignment for private
non-transient members
-rf,--rootFactoryClass <class name> The root factory SEP will use
when using factory generation.
-st,--sepTemplate <velocity file> Override the template file
fluxtion will use to generate
the SEP.
-yc,--yamlFactoryConfig <yml file> Yaml file for multiple factory
configurations in a single SEP.
Example use
Most of the parameters are self explanatory and can configure the compilation to deliver a specific set of goals. A standard usage of Fluxtion to generate a SEP from a supplied SEPConfig file similar to that below:
java -jar fluxtion.jar -outDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/src/main/java -buildDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/target/classes -outResDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/src/main/resources -outPackage com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.generated -configClass com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.Builder -outClass SampleProcessor -buildClasses true -formatSource true -supportDirtyFiltering true -generateDebugPrep false -generateDescription true -assignPrivate false -cp d:\example\updated-reference-core\target\classes;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\com\fluxtion\fluxtion-api\1.5.4-SNAPSHOT\fluxtion-api-1.5.4-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\it\unimi\dsi\fastutil\7.0.7\fastutil-7.0.7.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\net\vidageek\mirror\1.6.1\mirror-1.6.1.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\com\fluxtion\fluxtion-builder\1.5.4-SNAPSHOT\fluxtion-builder-1.5.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
12:46:54.197 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 281 ms to scan 6 urls, producing 605 keys and 2965 values
12:46:54.291 [main] INFO c.f.g.m.TopologicallySortedDependecyGraph - missing default construtor - attempting construction bypass
12:46:55.081 [main] INFO c.f.generator.exporter.PngGenerator - png image generated:d:\example\updated-reference-core\src\main\resources\com\fluxtion\example\core\building\injection\generated\SampleProcessor.png
12:46:55.378 [main] INFO net.openhft.compiler.CachedCompiler - Updated com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.generated.SampleProcessor in d:\example\updated-reference-core\target\classes