The goal is to combine imperative and factories instance creation to generate a SEP. A SEPConfig class is written by the user, but in contrast to imperative declaration only one node needs to be imperatively added, all other nodes can be added to the graph using injection.
Use the @inject annotation to inject a node instance into another node. The injected instance will be automatically included in the execution graph. If a NodeFactory cannot be located for the target type of the injection then the default constructor will be used to instantiate the node. If a default constructor cannot be found then a constructor bypass strategy is employed. An injection annotation follows the form:
public <Type> injectedInstance;
It is also possible to set properties of the injected instance, the properties can be static or variable based as described below. The properties are passed to the injected factory in a map. If no factory is registered for the instance then the properties are injected directly into a member field of the injected instance. All injected properties will be set in the generated SEP
For field injection primitive types and Strings are supported.
Static properties
This example shows setting a value of 150 in the field limit of an injected instance. There is no factory registered so the field will be set to the ca
@Config(key = "limit", value = "150")
Variable properties
The value of a config element can be looked up from a variable in the current class. An example setting the field filter in the inject class from the variable filterName in this class.
Mix injection and imperative strategies freely, declare multiple nodes in SEPConfig and multiple injections in any node.
The following example injects a FilteredDataHandler into a child class (InjectingDataProcessor). Static and variable properties are set using the @Config and @ConfigVariable annotations. Constructor bypass is used to invoke a default constructor during graph building.
Node classes
public class FilteredDataHandler {
public final String filter;
private int limit;
public FilteredDataHandler(String filter) {
this.filter = filter;
@EventHandler(filterVariable = "filter")
public void dataEvent(DataEvent event){
public int getLimit() {
return limit;
public void setLimit(int limit) {
this.limit = limit;
public class InjectingDataProcessor {
private final String filterName;
@ConfigVariable(field = "filterName", key = "filter")
@Config(key = "limit", value = "150")
public FilteredDataHandler filter;
public InjectingDataProcessor(String filterName) {
this.filterName = filterName;
The SEPConfig file adds a single node to the graph, InjectingDataProcessor. All config is passed from the
public class Builder extends SEPConfig{
public void buildConfig() {
addNode(new InjectingDataProcessor("myfilter_string"));
Running fluxtion command
For this example the command line to invoke Fluxtion ESC will be similar to the one shown below.
java -jar fluxtion.jar -outDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/src/main/java -buildDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/target/classes -outResDirectory d:\example\updated-reference-core/src/main/resources -outPackage com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.generated -configClass com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.Builder -outClass SampleProcessor -buildClasses true -formatSource true -supportDirtyFiltering true -generateDebugPrep false -generateDescription true -assignPrivate false -cp d:\example\updated-reference-core\target\classes;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\com\fluxtion\fluxtion-api\1.5.4-SNAPSHOT\fluxtion-api-1.5.4-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\it\unimi\dsi\fastutil\7.0.7\fastutil-7.0.7.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\net\vidageek\mirror\1.6.1\mirror-1.6.1.jar;C:\Users\dhv\.m2\repository\com\fluxtion\fluxtion-builder\1.5.4-SNAPSHOT\fluxtion-builder-1.5.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
12:46:54.197 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 281 ms to scan 6 urls, producing 605 keys and 2965 values
12:46:54.291 [main] INFO c.f.g.m.TopologicallySortedDependecyGraph - missing default construtor - attempting construction bypass
12:46:55.081 [main] INFO c.f.generator.exporter.PngGenerator - png image generated:d:\example\updated-reference-core\src\main\resources\com\fluxtion\example\core\building\injection\generated\SampleProcessor.png
12:46:55.378 [main] INFO net.openhft.compiler.CachedCompiler - Updated com.fluxtion.example.core.building.injection.generated.SampleProcessor in d:\example\updated-reference-core\target\classes
Generated SEP
Note the injected instance also has properties injected, see line 11 where the limit field is set to 150. The filter field of FilteredDataHandler controls the filter value of the generated event handler method, dataEvent(DataEvent event). On line 29 the value of of the injection config variable has been realized in the generated SEP, the original value is passed on line 5 of the SEPConfig above.
public class SampleProcessor implements EventHandler, BatchHandler, Lifecycle {
//Node declarations
private final FilteredDataHandler filteredDataHandler_2 =
new FilteredDataHandler("myfilter_string");
private final InjectingDataProcessor injectingDataProcessor_1 =
new InjectingDataProcessor("myfilter_string");
//code omitted for clarity
public SampleProcessor() {
injectingDataProcessor_1.filter = filteredDataHandler_2;
public void onEvent(com.fluxtion.runtime.event.Event event) {
switch (event.getClass().getName()) {
case ("com.fluxtion.example.shared.DataEvent"):
DataEvent typedEvent = (DataEvent) event;
public void handleEvent(DataEvent typedEvent) {
switch (typedEvent.filterString()) {
case ("myfilter_string"):