CSV processing
Describe Fluxtion's csv processing capabilities
Fluxtion supports csv processing capabilities as part of the fu-text extension, headline capabilities:
automatic marshaller generation
zero gc marshalling
automatic marshaller bean mapping
column mapping by name
column mapping by index
comment lines ignore
header lines ignore
transient properties
partial ragged row data
escaped/unescaped handling
derived values
fixed width conversions
primitive types
CharSequence support
Configurable delimiters and eol characters
Eof handling
integration as a node within SEP
error handling
error logging
Validation row and field level
Validation error logging
Success and failed notifier
event sink dispatch
multi-event input file with type key
The goal of CSV processing within fluxtion is to convert a byte stream into a java instance, the instance being a managed node within the SEP. In Fluxtion terms a CSV parse definition creates a node that dependent nodes in the graph can process during an execution wave. The CSV marshaller node receives many char events but only indicates a change when a valid instance is parsed on receipt of the end of record delimiter. In this way dependent nodes only process the execution wave when a fully realised instance is available. The actual instance is encapsulated within a Wrapper node. The wrapper node allows access to the underlying marshalled instance.
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